Sure, practicing yoga is all about health and wellness, but Smart Money knows that it is also booming business. There are some aspects of yoga class that may not be in keeping with the healthy lifestyle you seek — just don't expect your yoga instructor to let you in on them. Here are a few pointers for staying healthy while practicing yoga, and remember that even when taking a fitness class led by an instructor, it's best to think for yourself to figure out what feels right and what practices work best for you.

- Your Instructor May Be New to Yoga Too — With all of the
various certification programs around, there's a range of skill that's
being taught to instructors. "The problem is that there’s no real
standard for how much teacher training is required of instructors, so
almost anyone can lead a yoga class," writes Smart Money. It's best to
try out a class before you commit, and learn where the instructor
- Yoga Mats Aren't Just For the Die-Hard Yogi — Bringing your
own mat to class doesn't mean you can do full lotus. It's simply good
hygiene. Yoga studio owner Ann Merlo told Smart Money, "One of the key
elements of yoga is cleanliness." Sure, many studios hose down the mats
after a few sessions, but there's no guarantee they do. With all the
contagions flying around this flu season, it just might be worth it to
spring for your own mat and avoid catching a bug.
To learn more about how to make the most of your yoga time, read more.
- It's OK If You Don't Want to Be Touched — Yoga tends to
cultivate a very intimate atmosphere in the studio, and many members of
the class may feel totally at ease with the instructor helping them into
a pose (which is fairly common), but that doesn't mean that you do. "A
thoughtful teacher should always tell you that he’s going to touch you,"
writes Smart Money, and all adjustments should be done with
professionalism. However, if you'd prefer not to be touched at all,
don't be shy about speaking up and making your preference clear.
- The Advanced Class May Not Be For You — While yoga
instructors may ask some general questions about your level of
experience before a class begins, no one is likely to turn you away from
a session that may be too advanced for you. Yoga requires serious
strength and flexibility. The article suggests calling the studio
beforehand to find a class appropriate for your ability.